Unveiling the Mysteries of Our Ancestors: The Tartarians and Their Legacy

The story of humanity is often told through the lens of a singular narrative, one that frequently overlooks the rich tapestry of cultures that have shaped our world. Among these are the Tartarians, a civilization whose contributions and existence have been obscured by time and historical revisionism. This blog delves into the fascinating history of the Tartarians, exploring their origins, their impact on modern society, and the ongoing quest to reclaim their legacy.

The Origins of the Tartarians

The Tartarians, often referred to as the original inhabitants of the Americas, were a diverse group of people characterized by their dark skin, woolly hair, and rich cultural traditions. Long before European explorers arrived, these indigenous populations had established complex societies, complete with advanced agricultural practices, trade networks, and architectural marvels.

Evidence suggests that these civilizations thrived across the Americas, from the towering pyramids of Mesoamerica to the intricate mound structures in North America. In fact, it is believed that the pyramids found in the Americas predate those in Egypt, challenging the conventional understanding of ancient civilizations.

The Misconceptions of History

Despite their significant contributions, the history of the Tartarians has often been misrepresented. The arrival of Christopher Columbus in 1492 marked a turning point, as European colonizers imposed their narratives over the existing histories of the indigenous peoples. This imposition led to a widespread belief that the land was “discovered” rather than inhabited by advanced civilizations.

Many African American individuals today are of indigenous descent, often tracing their ancestry back to Native American tribes such as the Creek, Cherokee, and Blackfoot. This connection highlights the intricate relationship between the indigenous peoples of the Americas and those who have been historically marginalized.

The Great Displacement

The legacy of the Tartarians is marked by a tragic history of displacement and erasure. As European settlers expanded their territories, they forcibly removed indigenous populations from their lands. The Indian Removal Act, spearheaded by figures like Andrew Jackson, led to the relocation of millions of Native Americans, resulting in the loss of 25 million acres of land.

These actions were not merely about land acquisition; they were part of a broader agenda to erase the history and identity of the Tartarians. Many of the leaders who were appointed as chiefs during this period were often of mixed heritage, further complicating the narrative of indigenous leadership and governance.

The Hidden Cities

Amidst the displacement, remnants of Tartarian civilization remain hidden beneath modern cities. Major urban centers like Philadelphia, New York, and Chicago stand on top of ancient energy centers that were once vibrant hubs of activity and spirituality. These cities were strategically located for their energy potential, suggesting that the Tartarians possessed advanced knowledge of natural forces.

The architectural wonders of these cities, often adorned with intricate designs and symbols, were not merely aesthetic; they served as places of healing and energy exchange. The original purpose of these structures has been lost over time, leading to a disconnection from the spiritual practices of the Tartarians.

Revisiting the Narrative

In recent years, there has been a growing movement to reclaim the history of the Tartarians and challenge the dominant narratives that have shaped our understanding of the past. This involves questioning the historical accounts that have been handed down and recognizing the impact of colonialism on the collective memory of indigenous peoples.

For instance, the portrayal of mixed-race families in the late 1800s has often been mischaracterized as evidence of slavery, when in fact, these families reflect the complex interrelationships between indigenous peoples and European settlers. This historical revisionism has perpetuated a misunderstanding of the true nature of race relations in America.

The Orphan Trains and Historical Rewriting

One of the most significant aspects of this narrative is the role of orphan trains in the United States. Between 1854 and 1929, thousands of children were taken from their families and redistributed to families across the nation. This practice, often framed as a benevolent social experiment, was, in reality, a means of controlling the population and rewriting history.

These children were often placed into labor camps, effectively becoming the modern-day equivalents of indentured servants. The orphan trains represent a critical turning point in American history, as they facilitated the erasure of cultural identities and the imposition of a new societal structure.

The Legacy of the Tartarians Today

As we delve deeper into the history of the Tartarians, it becomes clear that their legacy is not just a relic of the past; it continues to influence our present and future. The quest for knowledge about these ancient peoples is a journey toward understanding our collective identity and heritage.

Many modern movements emphasize the importance of recognizing and honoring the contributions of indigenous peoples, advocating for reparations and the restoration of land rights. This movement is crucial for healing the wounds of the past and fostering a more inclusive society.

Spiritual and Cultural Reclamation

Reconnecting with the spiritual practices and cultural traditions of the Tartarians is vital for many individuals seeking to reclaim their heritage. This reclamation involves exploring ancient rituals, understanding the significance of natural elements, and fostering a sense of community that respects the wisdom of our ancestors.

Modern spiritual practices often draw from the teachings of indigenous cultures, emphasizing the interconnectedness of all beings and the importance of living in harmony with the earth. By embracing these teachings, individuals can cultivate a deeper understanding of their place in the world and contribute to a more sustainable future.

Conclusion: The Call to Action

The story of the Tartarians is a testament to the resilience of indigenous peoples and their enduring legacy. As we navigate the complexities of our modern world, it is essential to honor the contributions of those who came before us. By challenging the dominant narratives and embracing the rich history of the Tartarians, we can foster a more inclusive understanding of our shared humanity.

Ultimately, the journey of uncovering the truth about the Tartarians is not just about reclaiming history; it is about creating a future that acknowledges and respects the diverse tapestry of cultures that have shaped our world. Together, we can strive for a deeper understanding of our past and a more equitable future for all.

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175 thoughts on “Unveiling the Mysteries of Our Ancestors: The Tartarians and Their Legacy

  1. I can just imagine the power when my brothers & sisters come together. We are a lethal weapon. It shows. We just have to find our way back home. What I mean by home is US. That love between us is power beyond our understanding. I love you all. Stay dangerous. We got this 🤞🏾💪🏾

  2. Finally truth over lies this is why I don’t believe anything that is told today put in place by d*Monic heartless people – Atma Di Ace in your atmosphere speaking Real talk Raw and Uncut facts truth always – One luv respect always – Know who you truly are within my pure hearted people

  3. This explains why we are the only group on the planet with 9 DNA sequences when everyone else only has 6 DNA sequences, chimpanzees have 5 DNA sequences.

  4. Some wicked things have been done to us by these beings, and they are still doing these wicked things on a higher-low plane, but as knowledge is increased among our people we will surely prevail in the end. The last will be first again. Peace, Power & Prosperity.

  5. Momma Tea ☕ I haven’t forgotten no luck with my cash app yet I might re-up when I do I got chu ❤️

  6. 1492. Columbus encountered my tribe, the Taino. A friendly visit at first and then such a massacre that they claimed that we were now extinct.

  7. The Peace and Friendship Treaty created the United States Republic and not the Corporation. When the Republic was bankrupt, that’s when a charter for the Unam Sanctum CORPORATION was created. This is the Moroccan Empire!


  9. No such thing as African American you cannot be two nations at the same time plus if you look at the colour spectrum of black white comes first we ain’t indoctrinated black but copper carbonated golden sun people

  10. As a 60s scoop Ojibway born in Thunder Bay my birthfather took @ 5 by the residential schools & most of my mum’s side 60s scoop to white racist teachers, my first real sister was Creek from Florida who told me the Truth,

  11. Basically!!! My great grandparents made it very clear we did not come here on some boat we were already here.

  12. That man andrew jackson sent was name James Logan Colbert Yale and Murray university have documents on him the dynastic era of the Colbert era 1729-1907 power to the people and love your channel 🤎


  14. Love ya MahMah Tea this video was awesome knowledge. Hopefully humans in the future can find Unity 🤘🖤

  15. Thank you for sharing this with us. Thank. You. 👑. .1 thing about the earth mother Mother r nature is taking back all the land🗣. 📢. she’s flooding and rearranging it 🗣. 📢. For her people to return. And Take care of the planet earth 🗣. 📢. Have you ever noticed how children play in dirt, 🗣. 📢. They’re getting the energy from the earth👣👣👣

  16. The video is so beautiful and it breaks my heart but rejoice my heart with true love.

    I approve this video with passion and we all must pass this video to our children, friends and family.

    The Universe and Earth is changing anyway so what do we have to lose! We MUST come together NOW to save our LAND and SOUL.

    When Trump said MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! This what he wants to tell everyone.

    Wake up now and educate the truth! 🪶🏹✊🏾🤎


  17. We have to stop let people in dotrinate their story into our history 💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯 because now they’d have us believe that they were enslaved along with us so if at any time we’re to be paid for what happens to our people they can say that’s not fear because we were enslaved with them too just like how the gay and alphabet people attached themselves to Martin Luther King movement 💯💯💯 for our freedom to the point you see who is free and not us to this day so stop out here letting people attach themselves to our history 💯💯💯💯💯💯💯 by telling us their story.

  18. Yes we do know the lie but here’s the thing and I don’t care what nobody say we we’re supposed to mix with people who doesn’t have our DNA that’s where we went wrong and yes genocide is committed against our people time and time again.

  19. Su sis question is why did you give them land in the first place why y’all so friendly with people who couldn’t even give us water to stop a cap? Yet we’re the people who they call animals when in fact they’re people who are spliced with animal DNA this why you see they prefer animals over us humans they would rather spear the life of their spliced ancestors than us? Why you might ask? It’s because they’re threatened by us the original people our people are destroyed because they don’t know who they are and it’s asham how other’s know who we are and hate us for who we are that they put spells upon us so we be lost and forget our identity now I’ll say go do your homework and find self because once you do that they aren’t able to stand in your light because they’re from a dark place know who you are and that’s your homework.

  20. Oh, people would absolutely lose their noodle if they knew what all remains above us.

  21. I know that AZ is ancient land… the mountains have pointy tops like the Pyramids in Eygpt … we are surrounded by mountains…As I drive the highway from Phoenix to Scottsdale looking at the mountains. I always say to myself…” the mountain shapes are like that of the pyramids” Fun Fact…AZ is the desert… in the summer months the temps can get as high as 116-120

  22. Right, we are brown natives, we ain’t black but our hair, why learn your colors yet incorrectly identify self wrong 👍🏼

  23. Tartarians aren’t real … and the tartarian empire is in TURKEY.

    Tartarians are fictional characters from a 1698 100 page sci Fi book written by Heliogenes De L’Epy

  24. There is some good gem of information in this video but please be weary im not claiming i have all the answers but i know whats most like BS or not use decrement some tend to mix truth then throw in fiction either out of ignorance or they have ulterior motives trying to push an agenda. There were no Annunaki, Sitcthen made it up and North America was not Tartaria its was just a name some Map makers from certain places called a part of Asia. Also the Americas are not the old world These narritives are attempts to muck up the waters or back a belief system or religion.

  25. The Black Moors are and have always been a rather brutal, patriarchal group of Ashkenazis. They are also known to be Wanderers. These Amerukhan continents and their Black, Indigenous populations has always been a Matriarchy and we have always been here. We built these Mounds, Castles and Edifices, having been here from the beginning. Why is it all of a sudden contributed to the Moors? The Moors, like everyone else FOUND ALL THESE THINGS here when THEY got here.

  26. People like this white guy will be forgiven and let into any realm of heaven … Ase 👍🏿👍🏿☝🏿☝🏿☝🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿

  27. And the way you mimic thoses videos plus I to drink out of a glass jar identical to the one you have

  28. This is horrible so they made them slaves on their own land by taking them from 1 side to the next of the country / ok but there has to be a way to reject the corporation

  29. The truth is in the artwork inside those pyramids! There’s sculptures of the orinal people in there! FINALLY!!!! THE TRUTH IS BEING REVEALED!!!❤❤❤❤❤

  30. The Moor is the Moroccans of Amari which was mistakenly called India where the title Indian comes from

  31. Mind Unveiled:
    Cabbage babies
    Secret societies
    Burning of Tartarian buildings
    Free energy
    Energy centres
    Billy Carson:
    The whole globe is Atlantis
    Thoth/ Thor/ Thahuti

  32. These major cities have leylines that “major” corporations sitting on them. Here in NYC the Javits center, the Fed building are two known ones.

  33. @MahMahTea I know a lot of us would love to see you and Dane Callaway have a meeting of the minds! He’s been saying this for years! 🪷💖

  34. Just a little correction on dates, Neoshi hypno does past life regression and during a session a woman said she was watching tv back in 1890! And one fact that’s in our face is that Casablanca in Morocco and the White house in Washington! Casa = house Blanca = white how people didn’t associate the two baffles me

  35. I love the information but would it be possible to lower the volume of the music because it makes it difficult to hear all this great information…thank you for sharing all this wisdom …✌🏾

  36. 🗣️🗣️🗣️🙌🏽 MahMah you’re the Best!! 💯 keep’em coming and teaching Please and Thank you 🫵🏽❤

  37. Mahmah tea as long as you live i will always listen to you thank you for opening our eyes an awakening those that were lost that knew the bullshit

  38. Yep, we gotta stop thinking all knowledge came out of Africa. The reason Africa today is curse because of the sh*t they was doing along with them dirty moors. The divine power had to let them destroy themselves. When you realize that movie us had a deeper meaning. The Civil wars there were africans on them front lines trying to destroy us too. They let the powers that be fooled them to trying delete us or run us off they will inherit everything and it backfired. They put other races over the lands and enslaved them too. Until we come together as a people all race we gone forever be divided, confused and enslaved. It’s deeper than that it’s wealthy against poor. The wealthy play god and been controlling religions, currency and the resources.

  39. Why did they Only lock up Indigenous PEOPLE on Reservations and Boarding Schools?

  40. That’s right. All the pyramids. In the US are all covered up. In twinsburg ohio a lot of evidence. That’s right chief Gillian. Am a gillion to energy pyramid in Alaska. Jet black❤ they took the women. From this planet an made babies. The fallen ones. ❤ my belief s. Other beings have been mating with women. For long time. The indigenous women.❤

  41. Yes my great grandmother was snatched from her family. We don’t know to much about her back then. She was raised by a jewish family.

  42. Ask yourself why a particular group of people are constantly reclassified – Indian, negro, mullato, colored, black, african american….. look into your family history, visit the librarys, museums, etc, where your family originated.

  43. From 1619-2019. Keep that time period in mind and look back to what was going on in the world. They always say 400 years of slavery…. What has been set in motion by The Most High cannot be stopped. The looting of the Americas is in the fullest swing. More than ever before. The time of our exile is over, just in time for the Aquarian Age. Coincidence? No. Keep watching. Stay AWAKE!!! Woke has been Highjcked.

  44. We are the indigenous! And love that our truth continues to be revealed. And America was their name for the land. We may never know if we even called ourselves Tartarians or this various Tribal names because this English language was forced upon the children who were prisoners of war. That’s how you wipe out a civilization.

  45. Grand rising, what a beautiful day. They stole everything yet the majority still want to push lies about who we are. So, this post is appreciated.

    Well, well they are beginning to speak facts more and more. Gratitude for the post MahMah Tea. Have a grand day family. 💞

  46. Christopher Columbus is fictitious doctrine of Discovery was debunked damn it feels good to be Aboriginal American 👑🪶🥋

  47. So sad , but now because the Europeans confessed, our people will potentially possibly be-lie-ve. Our elders suffered for real.

  48. Wow I keep getting the nudge from me ancestors from Choctaw and Chickasaw go back to Mississippi my mother home to do more digging I didn’t do when I lived there before. Their telling me it’s time. Thank you for this. I’m now letting for of fear of not being accepted by them and doing what I’m told. It time. Thank you for the confirmation ✨

  49. America has always been (OURS) melanated land…everyone else is a visitor. If your lineage didnt start here you are NOT American.

  50. Yes we know, but instead of allowing these birth certificates to say what we have been given, it need to have the true nationality listed along with applications and forms to say other or Native American Indian. We have to change as a people.

  51. MahMah Tea, my heart always opens further when I view your teachings, and my love & respect deepens. 🙏 Thank you!

  52. If anyone is interested in looking deeper into Tartaria a user on youtube known as mind unveiled has many videos on the topic.

  53. Grand Rising 💯💯💯💯☝🏾🕊️🪶🪶💜💜 Empress Rare Black Bird Throne ! (Chief)

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